
Popup Intercept – One Window

Released my first publically available Google Chrome Extension called Popup Intercept – One Window!

This extension allows you to customize which addresses will open up into a tab of the main Google Chrome window via the options menu. I know there are some other extensions out there that do something similar but none of them offered a way to customize it by URL.


Why did you make this?

This started with creating an extension that I could click a button and perform an action, however that action needed to be performed on a popup window. Unfortunately, popup windows don’t have a menu or extensions available to them.

Popup Intercept – One Window Read More »

Removing locally installed printers and replacing with print server

Recently ran into an environment where there was a print server installed and managing all 200 printers however some users (380 computers) still had printers installed locally and were printing directly to the printer through the IP address or host name. This can cause issues with permissions, driver updates, or logging.

Instead of manually touching each computer I created a PowerShell script to verify it was a network printer installed locally and if it existed on the print server to install it for the user, reducing phone calls to the help desk. The script also confirms they are on the corporate network to continue and run and also verifies the printer is online so that it doesn’t remove personal printers that may have been installed for home use.

   1: #Only run if on the corporate network to prevent removing personal printers

   2: $Continue = $false


   4: $DNSAddresses = Get-DNSClientServerAddress | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ServerAddresses


   6: foreach ($DNSAddresses in $DNSAddresses)

   7: {

   8:     #Check DNS server IP to ensure on corporate network

   9:     if($DNSAddresses -eq "192.168.x.x")

  10:     {

  11:         $Continue = $true

  12:         Write-Host "We are on corporate network, continuing.."

  13:         break

  14:     }

  15: }


  17: if($Continue -eq $true)

  18: {

  19:     $LocalPrinters = Get-Printer


  21:     foreach ($printer in $LocalPrinters)

  22:     {

  23:         if($printer.Type -eq 'Local')

  24:         {


  26:             $Port = $printer.PortName.Split("_")


  28:             #Checking if a live printer on corporate network

  29:             $ConnectionResults = Test-Connection $Port[0] -Count 1 -Quiet


  31:             #Checking if printer is a network printer

  32:             if($ConnectionResults -eq $true)

  33:             {

  34:                 Write-Host "Deleting printer: " $printer.Name

  35:                 Remove-Printer -Name $printer.Name


  37:                 #Checking if printer is on print server so we can re-add it

  38:                  $PrintServerPrinterPortName = Get-Printer -ComputerName "" -Name $Port[0]


  40:                 Write-Host "Printers found on print server with same port name: "$PrintServerPrinterPortName.Count


  42:                 if($PrintServerPrinterPortName.Count -gt 0)

  43:                 {

  44:                     $AddPrinter = "\\\" + $Port[0]

  45:                    Write-Host "Adding printer from print server: " + $AddPrinter


  47:                    Add-Printer -ConnectionName $AddPrinter

  48:                 }

  49:                 else

  50:                 {

  51:                     Write-Host "Did not find printer on print server with same port name. Checking printer name."

  52:                     $PrintServerPrinterName = Get-Printer -ComputerName "" -Name $printer.Name


  54:                     Write-Host Write-Host "Printers found on print server with same printer name: "$PrintServerPrinterName.Count


  56:                     if($PrintServerPrinterName.Count -gt 0)

  57:                     {

  58:                         $AddPrinter = "\\\" +$printer.Name

  59:                         Write-Host "Adding printer from print server: " + $AddPrinter


  61:                         Add-Printer -ConnectionName $AddPrinter

  62:                     }

  63:                     else

  64:                     {

  65:                         Write-Host "Exhausted all options and no printers found."

  66:                     }                

  67:                 }

  68:             }        

  69:         }

  70:     }

  71: }


Removing locally installed printers and replacing with print server Read More »

Remove DNS NS Records after demoting domain controller with PowerShell


Get-DnsServerZone | ForEach-Object { Get-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName $_.ZoneName -RRType Ns | Where-Object {$_.RecordData.NameServer -like ‘‘} | Remove-DnsServerResourceRecord -ZoneName $_.ZoneName -Confirm:$false }


Replace the bold test with the fully qualified domain name of the name server. Don’t forget to keep the period at the end of it as well.

Remove DNS NS Records after demoting domain controller with PowerShell Read More »

Directory Services–Cannot Change Password – Constraint Violation nTSecurityDescriptor


Recently I ran into an issue where trying to enable or disable the option ‘Cannot Change Password’ in Active Directory in my C# code. Using a Domain Administrator account the code worked perfectly fine, but when it was run under a non-administrator I would get “Constrain Violation Occurred” and the following exception

"0000051B: AtrErr: DSID-030F22B2, #1:\n\t0: 0000051B: DSID-030F22B2, problem 1005 (CONSTRAINT_ATT_TYPE), data 0, Att 20119 (nTSecurityDescriptor)\n"

Now the user in question was delegated full control over the user object which made it more frustrating as it could be done manually within Active Directory Users and Computers. What I did find out is that if the non-administrator user was assigned the owner of the user in the security option the code would work and is what lead me to the answer.


You must have the DirectoryEntry.Options.SecurityMasks defined to SecurityMasks.Dacl for it to work for a non-administrator user.


Allow Change Password

   1: public static void AllowChangePassword(DirectoryEntry user)

   2:        {

   3:            user.Options.SecurityMasks = SecurityMasks.Dacl;


   5:            // Create a Guid that identifies the Change Password right.

   6:            Guid changePasswordGuid =

   7:                new Guid("{AB721A53-1E2F-11D0-9819-00AA0040529B}");


   9:            // Get the ActiveDirectorySecurity for the user.

  10:            ActiveDirectorySecurity userSecurity = user.ObjectSecurity;


  12:            // Create a SecurityIdentifier object for "everyone".

  13:            SecurityIdentifier everyoneSid =

  14:                new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null);


  16:            // Create a SecurityIdentifier object for "self".

  17:            SecurityIdentifier selfSid =

  18:                new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.SelfSid, null);


  20:            // Create an access rule to allow everyone the change password 

  21:            // right. 

  22:            // This is used to remove any existing access rules.

  23:            ActiveDirectoryAccessRule allowEveryone =

  24:                new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

  25:                    everyoneSid,

  26:                    ActiveDirectoryRights.ExtendedRight,

  27:                    AccessControlType.Allow,

  28:                    changePasswordGuid);


  30:            // Create an access rule to deny everyone the change password right.

  31:            ActiveDirectoryAccessRule denyEveryone =

  32:                new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

  33:                    everyoneSid,

  34:                    ActiveDirectoryRights.ExtendedRight,

  35:                    AccessControlType.Deny,

  36:                    changePasswordGuid);


  38:            // Create an access rule to allow self the change password right.

  39:            // This is used to remove any existing access rules.

  40:            ActiveDirectoryAccessRule allowSelf =

  41:                new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

  42:                    selfSid,

  43:                    ActiveDirectoryRights.ExtendedRight,

  44:                    AccessControlType.Allow,

  45:                    changePasswordGuid);


  47:            // Create an access rule to deny self the change password right.

  48:            ActiveDirectoryAccessRule denySelf =

  49:                new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

  50:                    selfSid,

  51:                    ActiveDirectoryRights.ExtendedRight,

  52:                    AccessControlType.Deny,

  53:                    changePasswordGuid);


  55:            // Remove any existing rule that gives "everyone" the change 

  56:            // password right.

  57:            userSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(denyEveryone);


  59:            // Add a new access rule to deny "everyone" the change password 

  60:            // right.

  61:            userSecurity.AddAccessRule(allowEveryone);


  63:            // Remove any existing rule that gives "self" the change password 

  64:            // right.

  65:            userSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(denySelf);


  67:            // Add a new access rule to deny "self" the change password right.

  68:            userSecurity.AddAccessRule(allowSelf);


  70:            // Commit the changes.

  71:            user.CommitChanges();


  73:            user.Options.SecurityMasks = SecurityMasks.None;

  74:        }


Deny Change Password

   1: public static void DenyChangePassword(DirectoryEntry user)

   2:       {

   3:           user.Options.SecurityMasks = SecurityMasks.Dacl;


   5:           // Create a Guid that identifies the Change Password right.

   6:           Guid changePasswordGuid =

   7:               new Guid("{AB721A53-1E2F-11D0-9819-00AA0040529B}");


   9:           // Get the ActiveDirectorySecurity for the user.

  10:           ActiveDirectorySecurity userSecurity = user.ObjectSecurity;


  12:           // Create a SecurityIdentifier object for "everyone".

  13:           SecurityIdentifier everyoneSid =

  14:               new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.WorldSid, null);


  16:           // Create a SecurityIdentifier object for "self".

  17:           SecurityIdentifier selfSid =

  18:               new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.SelfSid, null);


  20:           // Create an access rule to allow everyone the change password 

  21:           // right. 

  22:           // This is used to remove any existing access rules.

  23:           ActiveDirectoryAccessRule allowEveryone =

  24:               new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

  25:                   everyoneSid,

  26:                   ActiveDirectoryRights.ExtendedRight,

  27:                   AccessControlType.Allow,

  28:                   changePasswordGuid);


  30:           // Create an access rule to deny everyone the change password right.

  31:           ActiveDirectoryAccessRule denyEveryone =

  32:               new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

  33:                   everyoneSid,

  34:                   ActiveDirectoryRights.ExtendedRight,

  35:                   AccessControlType.Deny,

  36:                   changePasswordGuid);


  38:           // Create an access rule to allow self the change password right.

  39:           // This is used to remove any existing access rules.

  40:           ActiveDirectoryAccessRule allowSelf =

  41:               new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

  42:                   selfSid,

  43:                   ActiveDirectoryRights.ExtendedRight,

  44:                   AccessControlType.Allow,

  45:                   changePasswordGuid);


  47:           // Create an access rule to deny self the change password right.

  48:           ActiveDirectoryAccessRule denySelf =

  49:               new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(

  50:                   selfSid,

  51:                   ActiveDirectoryRights.ExtendedRight,

  52:                   AccessControlType.Deny,

  53:                   changePasswordGuid);


  55:           // Remove any existing rule that gives "everyone" the change 

  56:           // password right.

  57:           userSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(allowEveryone);


  59:           // Add a new access rule to deny "everyone" the change password 

  60:           // right.

  61:           userSecurity.AddAccessRule(denyEveryone);


  63:           // Remove any existing rule that gives "self" the change password 

  64:           // right.

  65:           userSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(allowSelf);


  67:           // Add a new access rule to deny "self" the change password right.

  68:           userSecurity.AddAccessRule(denySelf);


  70:           // Commit the changes.

  71:           user.CommitChanges();


  73:           user.Options.SecurityMasks = SecurityMasks.None;

  74:       }

Directory Services–Cannot Change Password – Constraint Violation nTSecurityDescriptor Read More »

Outlook Prompting Password using Mapi

I’ve spent hours trying to figure out why an Outlook client kept prompting for a password when I moved the users mailbox to Exchange 2016. After hours of the normal troubleshooting I found that it did not prompt for the password when cached mode was off. After having the user connect to another machine for testing and comparing the Connection Status (Shit + right click Outlook icon in systray) I found that it wasn’t making a second connection to the Exchange Directory.

I closed Outlook, went to C:\users\username\appdata\microsoft\outlook and deleted the offlineaddressbook folder and re-opened Outlook. Whola it worked again!

Outlook Prompting Password using Mapi Read More »

Group Policy Printers not installing after update KB3170455 – MS16-087


Microsoft changed the way printers are installed with update KB3170455 (MS16-087). Now, for printers to be installed using group policy, the print driver must be set as true under packaged in Print Management. Some vendors have not updated their drivers to make them packaged, but there is a way to force a package to be packaged.


Open regedit and go to HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows *** (choose version)\Drivers\Version-3\**DriverName**


Set the attribute PrinterDriverAttributes to 1 and restart the print spooler on the server. The driver will now show true as packaged and will install using GPO.

Group Policy Printers not installing after update KB3170455 – MS16-087 Read More »

Group Policy not applying to security filtered user or group


Came across an issue this week where a newly imaged computer would not apply group policies that were filtered to an Active Directory group. GPResult showed no reference of the group policy, but it did show that the user was in the correct AD group.


After much research, I found that Microsoft released a Security Update for Group Policy on June 14, 2016 ( This security update changes the way a client workstation reads the group policy. Prior to this update being installed, if a GP was a user policy, the policy would have been read by the current user’s credentials. Once the security update is applied to the client’s workstation, all group policies are read by the computer account.


To fix the issue, go to the group policy in which has security filtering and click on the Delegation tab. Click Add and add Authenticated Users with Read permission. Or, you can add Domain Computers with Read permission. Adding the permission under the Delegation tab with either method, only allows the computer accounts to read the policy to apply it based on the security filter. It will not apply to all authenticated users or domain computers.

Group Policy not applying to security filtered user or group Read More »

Sage 50–Automatic Backup – An unknown error occurred compressing the database files.


While setting up a new Sage 50 2015 server I kept getting an error message “An unknown error occurred compressing the database files.” After further troubleshooting with Microsoft Process Monitor ( I found that it was trying to put a temporary file in a folder called “Backup” inside the company folder. This is probably a rare condition and only seen if you try to select a backup folder other than the default.

Simply create a folder called “Backup” in the company folder and try it again.

Sage 50–Automatic Backup – An unknown error occurred compressing the database files. Read More »

Enterprise Google Chrome Extension Not Installing


Had a recent issue where a Google Chrome extension I built wasn’t installing via group policy. After a lot of troubleshooting I found an entry in HKLM\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallSources. Once I deleted that entire registry key (not just the value), the and restarted Chrome, the extension installed using the pushed settings that is in HKLM\Software\Policies\Google\Chrome\ExtensionInstallSources.

Enterprise Google Chrome Extension Not Installing Read More »

SQL Select–Format for phone number


If you want to create a SQL query to format a phone number based on different formats that may be in a database you can use this. Modify to fit your needs.

### – Replace this with your 3 digit area code. This is used when only 7 digits are stored as the value.

Home/Cell – Replace this with your phone number column


   1: SELECT 

   2:       CASE

   3:           WHEN LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Home,')',''),'(',''),' ',''),'-','')) = '7'

   4:             THEN '###' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Home,')',''),'(',''),' ',''),'-','')

   5:           WHEN SUBSTRING (Home, 1, 1) = '1'

   6:             THEN SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Home,')',''),'(',''),' ',''),'-',''), 2, LEN(Home))

   7:             ELSE REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Home,')',''),'(',''),' ',''),'-','')

   8:       END As [Home Phone],

   9:       CASE

  10:           WHEN LEN(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Cell,')',''),'(',''),' ',''),'-','')) = '7'

  11:             THEN '###' + REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Cell,')',''),'(',''),' ',''),'-','')

  12:           WHEN SUBSTRING (Cell, 1, 1) = '1'

  13:             THEN SUBSTRING(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Cell,')',''),'(',''),' ',''),'-',''), 2, LEN(Cell))

  14:             ELSE REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Cell,')',''),'(',''),' ',''),'-','')

  15:       END As [Cell Phone]



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