Apple Account Auto Verify


A tool I wrote in C# that automatically verifies apple accounts. Below is a link to the source code (Visual Studio 2010), however if you meet the following criteria, you can use it without modifying the code.

  1. Windows computer running .Net 4.0
  2. Running Exchange 2010
  3. Know the username and password to the mailbox that the verification email from apple is in, or you know the username and password to an elevated account that has permission to view the mailbox that the verification email from apple is in. – Includes source code too

If you meet the above criteria, unzip and browse to AppleAccountVerify > bin > Release > and run AppleAccountVerify.exe



   1: private void button_Verify_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

   2:        {

   3:            string Log = string.Empty;

   4:            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(textBox_CSVFile.Text))

   5:            {

   6:                string line;

   7:                while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)

   8:                {

   9:                    string[] data = line.Split(',');


  11:                    string ExchAuthUsername = data[0];

  12:                    string ExchAuthPassword = data[1];

  13:                    string ExchAuthDomain = data[2];

  14:                    string Exch_User_Email = data[3];

  15:                    string AppleUsername = data[4];

  16:                    string ApplePassword = data[5];


  18:                    string Verify = GetAppleVerifyURL(ExchAuthUsername, ExchAuthPassword, ExchAuthDomain, Exch_User_Email);


  20:                    if (Verify != string.Empty)

  21:                    {

  22:                        WebBrowser web = new WebBrowser();

  23:                        web.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = true;

  24:                        web.Navigate(new Uri(Verify));


  26:                        while (web.ReadyState != WebBrowserReadyState.Complete)

  27:                        {

  28:                            Application.DoEvents();

  29:                        }

  30:                        try

  31:                        {

  32:                            HtmlElement el = web.Document.All["appleID"];


  34:                            el.SetAttribute("value", AppleUsername);

  35:                            el.SetAttribute("text", AppleUsername);


  37:                            HtmlElement el2 = web.Document.All["accountpassword"];


  39:                            el2.SetAttribute("value", ApplePassword);

  40:                            el2.SetAttribute("text", ApplePassword);


  42:                            foreach (HtmlElement el3 in web.Document.All)

  43:                            {

  44:                                if (el3.GetAttribute("className") == "btn bigblue")

  45:                                {

  46:                                    if (el3.InnerText.ToLower() == "verify address")

  47:                                    {

  48:                                        el3.InvokeMember("click");

  49:                                    }

  50:                                }

  51:                            }

  52:                            Log = Log + Environment.NewLine + AppleUsername + " - Verified successfully.";

  53:                        }

  54:                        catch (Exception Ex)

  55:                        {

  56:                            Log = Log + Environment.NewLine + AppleUsername + " - " + Ex.Message.ToString();

  57:                        }


  59:                        Log = Log + Environment.NewLine + AppleUsername + " - Finished reading line";

  60:                    }

  61:                }

  62:            }

  63:            Log = Log + Environment.NewLine + " - Complete";

  64:            textBox_Log.Text = Log;


  66:        }

Updated 12/29/14 – Updated code below (source code includes update)

   1: private static string GetAppleVerifyURL(string ExchangeAuthUsername, string ExchangeAuthPassword, string ExchangeAuthDomain, string EmailAddressToLookIn)

   2:        {

   3:            string URL = string.Empty;

   4:            try

   5:            {

   6:                ExchangeService ExchService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);

   7:                ExchService.Credentials = new WebCredentials(ExchangeAuthUsername, ExchangeAuthPassword, ExchangeAuthDomain);

   8:                ExchService.AutodiscoverUrl(EmailAddressToLookIn);


  10:                FolderId InboxID = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, EmailAddressToLookIn);

  11:                ItemView view = new ItemView(50, 0, OffsetBasePoint.Beginning);

  12:                view.OrderBy.Add(ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, SortDirection.Descending);

  13:                view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, ItemSchema.Subject);

  14:                FindItemsResults<Item> findResults = ExchService.FindItems(InboxID, view);


  16:                if (findResults != null && findResults.Items != null && findResults.Items.Count > 0)

  17:                    foreach (Item item in findResults.Items)

  18:                    {

  19:                        EmailMessage message = EmailMessage.Bind(ExchService, item.Id, new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, EmailMessageSchema.IsRead, ItemSchema.Body, ItemSchema.Subject, ItemSchema.Categories));


  21:                        if (message.Subject.ToLower().Contains("verify your apple"))

  22:                        {

  23:                            string body = message.Body.Text;

  24:                            string[] AfterVerifyText = Regex.Split(body, "To verify this email address belongs to you");

  25:                            string[] BeginningOfURL = Regex.Split(AfterVerifyText[1], "<a href=\"");

  26:                            int Location_EndOfUrl = BeginningOfURL[1].IndexOf('"');

  27:                            URL = BeginningOfURL[1].Substring(0, Location_EndOfUrl);

  28:                            message.IsRead = true;

  29:                            message.Update(ConflictResolutionMode.AutoResolve);

  30:                        }

  31:                    }

  32:            }

  33:            catch (Exception)

  34:            {

  35:                return URL;

  36:            }


  38:            return URL; 

  39:        }

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