SharePoint 2010 Alerts – Daylight Savings Time (DST)


Are your alerts behind or ahead by an hour? Microsoft has created a PowerShell script to automatically update your alerts for daylight savings time.

You’ll want to make sure you’re running the script as a SharePoint administration from within the SharePoint Management Shell.

  1. Add the PowerShell script to the scope
    • . ./Invoke-AlertFixup.ps1 (make sure there is a period, space, period)
  2. Type Invoke-AlertFixup –site <URL> –oldurl <URL> (if using this script for DST, make sure the site URL and oldurl are the same.

9 thoughts on “SharePoint 2010 Alerts – Daylight Savings Time (DST)”

    1. I believe it’s when there isn’t a match for the criteria. Do you see an alert in that specific site with the URL you used?

        1. Run this query against your content database to confirm the URL you’re using matches what the alert was created from:

          select * from
          (– Immediate
          select ‘Instant’ as NotifyFreq, alertTitle, listTitle, tp_email, tp_login, s.siteurl + weburl + ‘/_layouts/sitesubs.aspx’ as url from dbo.ImmedSubscriptions s join userinfo u on (s.userid = u.tp_id)
          — Scheduled
          select case NotifyFreq when 1 then ‘Daily’ when 2 then ‘Weekly’ else ‘Other’ end , alertTitle, listTitle, tp_email, tp_login, s.siteurl + weburl + ‘/_layouts/sitesubs.aspx’ as url from dbo.SchedSubscriptions s join userinfo u on (s.userid = u.tp_id)
          ) t

      1. Not getting the fixed message. When I run the sql script against the database I pull the url from the url line. The invokealert command is run and it show fixed as 0 and skipped as some number.

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